Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Develop Math Teaching

Mathematics education is the practice of teaching and learning mathematics, along with the associated scholarly research. In my opinion, we should happy about math education because it’s not many only view of young people consist in mathematics education. Therefore, we have to know how to teach math as possible so students interested studying mathematics. In math teaching, there are four level of teaching. That is spiritual level, normative level, formal level and material level. In every level have purpose itself. In spiritual level explain about spiritual, future, vision, goal and ways of life. In normative level explain about law, education system, decree, paradigm of education, theory of education. In formal level explain about book, curriculum and syllabus. In material level explain about condition of class, teach content, the student, the physical of building.
There are two opinion about teaching, traditional teaching and progressive teaching. Although, both of traditional and progressive have similarity that is make people educated but they have several different.
a.       Paradigm/ Theory of education
In traditional teaching, teacher as to teach and teach is to give and transfer of knowledge. Student as empty vase which only receive knowledge of teacher and be passive. But it reform to be progressive teaching. Here student as seed which let grow in their way, developing to be active learner and to construct their own knowledge. Teacher just as facilitator/ dynamist in their grow.
b.      Curriculum
Traditional teaching use curriculum 1975 and 1980. While progressive teaching use KTSP where we translate by self.
c.       Condition class
In traditional teaching usually use one method that is expository math, explain, give example and give task.
d.      Book
Traditional teaching just text book oriented, but in progressive teaching it develop by teacher with appropriate the competence of student.
e.       System/ Paradigm Learn
The last result fixed by UNAS (traditional teaching). In progressive teaching, class room base assessment  and base of the process.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

mathematics education

As we know, mathematics is taught to us since kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school untill college right now. Not only that, math is used as long as our life. For example when people calculate income, total expenditure and many others. Mathematicsis meaningfull. Many people pay attwntion about the development of mathematics. Mathematics used in a variety of selection criteria. Math can be usedto select or filter data. like the selection of candidates for public test, police, student or employee. Because that mathematics became popular and very important to learn. But some people think mathematicsa is frightening and complicated. that thing became the challenge for us as a candidate of mathematics teacher on how to build the perception that math is easy.

In my opinion, we should happy about math education because it's not many only view of young people consistly in math education. However, we have to empower math education. We have to make sure that we are on the right track like competence, facility and family. To achieve our goal or vision, we need to understand both of inside ourself and outside. So that, our live meaningfull we have to struggle to not be blind and empty. Therefore we have to fill in with knowledge.\

We have to transform from child to be younger people and to be older people. Live can meaning as characteristic. We are characteristic which transform to be another characteristic. As an adult people, we are not depend by teacher or lecturer. We aware by ourself. In past day, teacher was the one source. But nowadays, knowledge found in many source. The aspect of teacher to prepare student different with teacher previously.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Characteristics of Mathematics Education

As a candidate for mathematics educators, is a must to know and understand the meaning of education itself. Because,how an educator can perform its role if he did not know what purpose. So it is necessary we think deeply about mathematics education
Education is a process to obtain a useful abilities and skills. According to Jonson and Rising, "Math said as an organized knowledge structure, the properties or deductive theories generated based on defined elements, axioms, theories that have been proven to be true." (Jonson and Rising, 1972). Of the two senses mentioned above, it can be concluded that mathematics education is a process that helps people to get an ability or skill in organizing the numbers or symbols in a structured according to rules and theories that have been clearly defined so as to obtain the correct result and can be applied in life .
            To be able to understand math more deeply, we have to like math first. The complexity and crossword puzzles that appear in mathematics the main attraction. We will feel the satisfaction when the puzzle can be solved.
In mathematics were also taught to appreciate a process to find a solution to the problem systematically.As a student majoring in mathematics education we gradually begin to learn math. From studying algebra, statistics, calculus and trigonometry at the beginning of the semester to semester basis for future science. Because of the higher semester adopted increasingly complex also in studying mathematics.
            There are differences between mathematics education and pure mathematics. In pure mathematics they only use their knowledge for themselves while using their knowledge of mathematics education for yourself and others. So in mathematics education to be able to convey his knowledge required to other people. a teacher or professor would have to have the educational background to understand the psychology student. In the process of learning, we as a prospective teacher will meet many types of people. Therefore we must be smart smart in understanding the classroom situation.
            In the basic education level such as Kindergarten, pre-elementary school, junior high school and senior high school learning process is still concrete. A teacher here are required to give examples of a material so that students can more easily understand the lesson. However, the level of further education students are directed to think in abstract immateriality enables the use or application of mathematics in different fields of science and in everyday life. Another specialty of mathematics is a structured pattern. Habituation to think in a structured very useful when used in solving social problems and life.
            Mathematics is an thinking things. In the language of mathematics "to abstract" that is taking certain properties while "to idealize" which is considered perfect existing properties. For example, in mathematics there are acute and obtuse angles. Yet in everyday life there is no such thing as acute angle but we can imagine the acute angle in mind each of us.
The difference between younger people and adult people thinking skills lies in the way of perspective. For younger people begins with the reality of objects of everyday life.
1) Mathematics is the search of  pattern and relationship.
2) Mathematics is a problem solving activity. Existing properties in mathematics is firm. With a firm stance we can solve the problem.
3) Mathematics is investigation activity.
4) Mathematics is a communication

The nature of students studying mathematics
1) That the student have a good motivation and perception
2) That the student learn math individually
     Can not be represented
3) That the student learn math in collaboration with other
4) That the student in context

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

aku suka caramu- Abdul and The Coffee Theory

Aku suka caramu membuatku tersenyum
Saat hari ku kelabu
Aku suka caramu tertawa riang
Saat kau datang menyambutku
Aku suka semua perhatianmu
Aku suka caramu menjaga diriku
Aku suka semuanya tentangmu
Engkau dan aku
Tercipta untuk jadi satu
Engkau dan aku
Ku kan selalu jadi milikmu
Walau waktu berputar
Cinta kita ‘kan bersinar selamanya
Aku suka semuanya tentang kamu
Aku suka caramu menahan diriku
Saat ku ‘kan pergi jauh
Aku suka caramu membuatku cemburu
Tuk dapat perhatianku
Aku suka caramu memanjakanku
Aku suka caramu meyakinkan aku
Saat aku merasa ragu
Engkau dan aku
Tercipta untuk jadi satu
Engkau dan aku
Ku ‘kan selalu jadi milikmu
Walau waktu berputar
Cinta kita ‘kan bersinar selamanya
Aku suka semuanya tentang kamu
Walau waktu berputar
Cinta kita ‘kan bersinar selamanya
Aku suka
Aku suka
Aku suka
Aku suka
Aku suka
Semuanya tentang kamu

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

english course #1

18 Februari 2011
It was friday and  i decided to go to campus lately. Actually, i have an english course in first time but my friend told me that the schedule was changed into fourth time. In the beginning i was dissapointed with the schedule because i have waited long enough from the previous course. But all of the thing must be accepted  happily. I didn't need to wake up early. Yeahhh... hihihi ^_^ 
However, there was trouble. the schedule was collision with International Mathematics Education 2010 class. Beside that, the class in room 209 was used. so we had not a class. because of confusing we took a seat near mushola FMIPA. We waited lecturer's decision. after waited for a few minute many of my friends almost went to home. Suddenly, the lecturer arrived. My friends, juju looked for an empty class. Finally we found a class in 107, old building.
My first opinion about the lecturer, he was killer. From his appearance who had mustache in his face made he look frightening(sorry sir...^_^). But after he introduced himself, i was surprised that he had an interesting personality. He talked friendly with his students. Yeahh..i realized that we don't judge the book by it's cover and this also occured to don't judge people by his appearance.

Hemm -___- i think it's enough to shared my first english course. I wish tomorrow will be better.... Keep spirit!!! ^w^

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010


Anak Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar membaca? Atau memiliki kebiasaan membaca terlalu cepat hingga salah mengucapkan kata atau bahkan terlalu lambat dan terputus? Bisa jadi anak Anda menderita disleksia.

Istilah disleksia berasal dari bahasa Yunani. Dys berarti sulit dalam dan Lex berarti berbicara. Jadi, disleksia adalah kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan kata atau simbol-simbol tulis.

Kelainan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan dalam menghubungkan antara lisan dan tertulis, atau kesulitan mengenai hubungan antara suara dan kata tertulis. Namun, sampai sekarang masih belum diketahui secara pasti apa penyebabnya gangguan ini. Sebagian besar neurolog berpendapat ini merupakan faktor saraf atau otak, sama sekali bukan karena anak itu bodoh atau pun idiot seperti mayoritas pendapat orang. Masih perlu dilakukan riset lanjutan untuk mengetahui penyebabnya.

Anak yang belum diketahui menderita disleksia, dapat meras rendah diri karena kesulitan yang dialami dalam mengejar pelajaran dengan sebayanya. Kadang-kadang orang salah menduga bahwa anak yang menderita disleksia juga cacat jiwa.

Namun, Anda tak perlu khawatir. Walau tidak menjalani pengobatan khusus, seorang penderita disleksia tidak akan selamanya menderita gangguan membaca dan menulis. Ketika pertumbuhan otak dan sel otaknya sudah sempurna, ia akan dapat mengatasinya.

(sumber: kumpulan soal STAN)
Contoh pidato bhs. Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

 First of all, Let me thank to the merciful Allah SWT who gives us healthy. So today I can stand here in front of you and have a speech.
 Dear friends, the celebration of Indonesia independence day had been held in our school. There were many competitions that we had. And the winners had been known, but is that the end? What moral teaching can we get from the celebration? One of them is “ the real competation”. We are as the young generations who will fight for our real independence should have plans for ourselves to get the better future life. Don’t feel satisfied with our condition today. Make it progress by learning everything because we will face various competitions in the future.
 Dear friends, the best way to win the competitions is to be honest with ourselves. We have to be able to decide what we do really need and what we really do not need. Then we arrange all of our plans and activities correctly, effectively and efficiently.
 Dear friends, please don’t waste your time to do something useless, spending time all day in front of your TV set, wasting time with all kinds of entertainments. Please study hard and train yourselves to any kind of good things, pray to Allah SWT and make yourselves to be ready to fight for our wildest and unpredictable future.
 Finally I will stress once again that only do the honesty, work hard, do everything seriously and pray to Allah SWT will bring us to our victory, to our real independence.
Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb